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Whiplash Neck Injury

If you have been in a car accident recently, whiplash is the last thing on your mind. In this blog post, we will talk about whiplash and what to do if it happens to you.Whiplash Sacramento Keppler Chiropractic

Whiplash occurs when the head forcefully and suddenly moved backward and then forward. This type of injury occurs during rear-end automobile collisions for example. Injuries range from mild to severe with whiplash symptoms including pain in the neck and shoulders and headaches and even the lower back that may be accompanied by nausea or dizziness.

The major injury factor mostly associated with an auto accident whiplash neck injury is pain, swelling, inflammation from the straining, spraining, and unstabilizing of the joints of the neck. Disc injuries and concussions also can occur with whiplash injury.

Whiplash Neck Injuries

Even in low-speed impact injury can cause you some discomfort. But in most cases, after the shock wears off is when these things manifest themselves as delayed symptoms like pain, swelling, tingles muscle stiffness, or loss of movement caused by the damaged and misaligned spine!

This might sound surprising but don’t forget about this because what happens is there might be subtle or major changes in the spine that are most often overlooked by inexperienced whiplash professionals since most doctors only look at visible wounds upfront.


whiplash chiropractor in sacramento


If you’ve been in pain or in pain, it is time to make an appointment with a chiropractor. Get yourself the chiropractic adjustment you need.  Dr. Keppler performs your chiropractor adjustments, and will find out what to do to relieve your pain to help you get back on the road to health and wellness!

Call us today at 916-422-5111 or fill out this form online if you want more information about how we can help provide relief from your problems or pain.

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