Sacramento Chiropractic Adjustment

Sacramento Chiropractic adjustmentchiropractic in Sacramento


One of the best and most incredible, experiences you can have is to get your neck adjusted back adjusted, pain and tension relieved so you can start feeling better again immediately.  -Alvin W.

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment is a gentle, pain-relieving alignment to misaligned vertebrae in your neck, back, and pelvis.

What are Misaligned vertebrae?

They are any spinal fixation of any two or more vertebrae, causing pitched nervous and poor circulation to the are involved or being involved. ie pain down the leg or headaches.

What is a pinched nerve? And what causes poor circulation in the spine?

In chiropractic terms, we call this a spinal fixation, pinched nerve, spinal misalignment a subluxation of the spinal vertebrae.

What is going on in your spine when you can’t bend or turn normally?

You’re experiencing a spinal subluxation, which is the result of the abnormal motion and or position of two or more spinal bones.

What’s going on when you’re experiencing numbness or a tingling sensation?

Its caused by abnormal function of the nervous system. These “short circuits” alter normal nerve function and cause organ damage, pain, and ill-health throughout the body.

Why am I having stiffness and muscles spasms?

Over time muscles attempt to support a malfunctioning area of the spine become infiltrated with stringy scar tissue, a form of fibrosis. this changes the muscle/s elasticity and impairs its ability to support the spine properly. this is why patients with long-standing spinal problems take so long to recover.

Why do I have Swelling and inflammation?

When spinal joints suffer trauma or injury, soft tissues surrounding the joint can be damaged discs can degenerate and linaments can stretch and tear. Inflammation of these connective tissues is accompanied by changes in temperature pressure caused by swelling.

After most injuries or automobile accidents, the following usually occurs.

  • Lack of movement
  • Abnormal motion
  • Stiffness
  • Muscle spasms
  • Numbness
  • Tingling Sensation
  • Swollen
  • Inflation

Mild sprains and strains normally heal within 6-8 weeks. However, if the injury is more severe the injury may months, years, or may never heal. Without chiropractic care and treatments, the subluxation may never be found and diagnosed or addressed and corrected. Without chiropractic adjustments, these spinal subluxations can turn into long-term abnormal movements and spinal position problems. This leads to excessive stress followed by spinal degeneration, this is the aging process.

Is This Reversible?

Yes and No.

Yes, if you get chiropractic treatments early enough and the injury has not severely broken down the spine and its joints beyond normal repair.

No, if it degenerated but can be relieved chiropractic care in most cases

What is arthritis?

When any area of the spine has been traumatized and has been repeatedly stressed and or injured, the body attempts to immobilize the malfunctioned joint with abnormal bony growths call arthritis.

“arth” means joint “itis” means inflammation. Arthritis means inflammation of a joint.

If you live in the Sacramento area and need a chiropractic adjustment to relieve your body’s aches and pain.

For a one on one evaluation and explanation as to why you have back pain see Dr. Keppler a 53-year chiropractic veteran
call 916-422-5111

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